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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An adjective for another’s voice

I first noticed myself using my mom’s tone in subtle ways.  Then, particularly when I wanted to get someone’s attention or to reprimand, I found myself using her tone more deliberately.  In fact, it became an adjective, ‘my kay redmond voice’.  Anyone that knows my mom, knows that tone.  As I write this, I worry that it may be perceived as  making fun of my mom, that is not the case. She has a way of getting her point across, and commanding attention. That doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people.  Now, having kids of my own, the cycle repeats.  I hear my tone of voice in my own kids.  Today, my older one instructed me to get thick crust pizza the next time I buy it, the younger chimed in immediately and said “don’t you mean to say ‘thankyou for dinner?’ “  I find it endearing, but I’d imagine that they find it humorous and will one day blog about the ‘kate diday voice.’

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