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Monday, September 13, 2010

Jewels in your crown

In passing, a third grade teacher said to me "you have many jewels in your crown, my dear." I responded that she had no idea how much I needed to hear that. Of course, she didn't hear my response, because I kept walking, holding my nephew's hand and holding back the tears. It was one of those afternoons where another comment had just put me over the edge, so God must have sent this one to balance it out. No less then 5 minutes prior to hearing her words, I'd been told that I couldn't pick up my nephew because I was not authorized to do so, they had to call 'the dad'. I wasn't mad at the process, but the reality that someone could tell me that I wasn't allowed to pick up my sister's kids. For two years, everyone at the school knew, for two years, there were never any questions asked... well now its been two years, and the ones that lived it with us have moved on. They remember, sure, but they, understandably, have their own lives. I've moved on too, in many ways. But no amount of exercise, volunteerism, parenting, etc, will fill the void that was created when my sister died. I think that what I realized most recently is that the more I do to get my own life back on track, the more I want to do for my sister's kids and her husband. The best I can do is pray for that he wants to do likewise for himself. I guess its a whole lot of prayers combined with daily perseverance that earns those jewels, but I'd trade them all to get my sister back. I certainly hope that she's enjoying the jewels of heaven now.