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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today's Special

My kids are polar opposite when the clock strikes 7:57am on a school day. There are days when my 5th grader is still causally eating breakfast, while the 3rd grader, who's been up and dressed for 30 minutes, runs chaotically through the house looking for socks, shoes, or books. She exhibits so much anxiety, that you think her world will in fact end if she can't find what she's looking for.  Since I never know what will set her off, I like to call it "Today's Special". Today's Special in our house was a library book. The search for it featured stomping feet, slamming doors, tears and finger pointing. My 5th grader, un-phased by the chaos of the search, diffused the situation by quietly going to her sister's backpack and retrieving the book. She thinks methodically, while her sibling is more reactionary. I enjoy the mornings when there are no 'Specials' on the menu, but when there are, I find it interesting to observe how everyone in the house responds, it speaks volumes about our family dynamics. Even the dog plays a role, she just finds a remote spot to curl up in, and stays out of the way.

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