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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sitting on the bench

My 10 year old recently joined a club soccer team.  She's good, but the other players are better. She spends most of her time on the bench at games.  Sometimes she cares, sometimes she doesn't, she loves soccer, so for the most part she's happy to be on the team. I've noticed that I'm more bothered by her being on the bench, then my husband is, and possibly more then my child is. I don't want to be 'that' parent who complains... and I am trying to treat this experience as a life lesson for her.  I patiently explain the important role she plays on the team, that her time will come, make the most of your time on the bench, etc, etc.  In doing so, I also find myself at a place in my life where I too am sitting on the bench.   My team is other moms in the community.  I always wanted to be included in the group, and now am, I am blessed to be in a community of amazing women.  I've realized that I sometimes feel that I'm watching them play, while sitting on the bench.  They are playing the game of leading a philanthropy effort, hosting the discussion group at church, earning an income, leading the volunteer effort at school or training for a marathon, and I'm sitting on the bench. I play part of the game, volunteering here and there, looking for a part-time job, I'm certain the team would say that I am 'doing great', but mostly I feel like I sit on the bench.  I guess I need to take to heart the advice I gave my daughter 'you are important to the team, you will get your time and in the meanwhile, watch, learn and have fun. Make the most of your time on the bench, its going to make you a better player in the long term.'

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