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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Talking in flight

On a recent flight, someone asked me if I was traveling for business or pleasure, the answer was neither, but I said 'business'. In doing so, I wondered how often people casually lied to me? I changed the conversation quickly, asking the woman the nature of her trip, which was pleasure (returning from vacation). It was an easy diversion, and she was happy to talk about her trip to the Keys. Ultimately she asked me what business I was in, and I choked... I said I was in fact a stay at home mom (not a businesswoman), just anxious to get home to my kids. She didn't even seem to care that I'd lied about my agenda. Oh well... I think, in the end, most travelers aren't that interested in the people sitting next to them, they just feel obliged to make small talk and probably secretly hope for brief answers, so they can feel good about being polite, then move on to their Us Magazine.

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