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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Packed lunch for mom

My mom was returning to her home today after a weekend visit with us.  I was making lunch for my girls and added an extra sandwich to the assembly line.  There's a lot to be said for having kids be responsible for their own lunches, but here's what I have to say about making them myself: I like to do it.  I feel appreciated and I feel privileged. As long as I can make the time, I'll make the sandwiches.  So when making a sandwich for my 80 year old mom today, I felt like the circle completed.  She'd done it for me and my siblings for years, now I had the chance to do it for her. I guess my prayer is that I live to see the day when my kids pack my lunch, along side those of their kids.  PBandJ would be just fine, thank you!